Spin-off of Gecina's residential business
Buy-out tender offer followed by a squeeze-out launched by Ovalto for Terreïs’s securities
Terreïs’s share buyback offer
Disposal of a real estate assets portfolio owned by Terreïs to Swiss Life AG
Buy-out tender offer launched by Sodify for Selectirente’s shares
Tender offer launched by Tikehau Capital for Selectirente’s shares
Internal reorganization of the Real Estate branch and the real estate asset management activity within BNP Paribas
Merger by absorption of Affine by Société de la Tour Eiffel
Buy-out tender offer followed by a squeeze-out launched by Crédit Foncier de France for Locindus’s shares
Simplified alternative takeover bid and exchange offer launched by Gecina for the shares and subordinated bonds redeemable in shares of Eurosic
Simplified public tender offer launched by the Concert Northwood for the shares of CeGeREAL
Merger of Foncière Sépric into Patrimoine et Commerce
Merger of Corio into Klépierre following the public exchange offer launched by Klépierre for the shares of Corio
Simplified tender offer followed by a squeeze-out launched by Eurosic for the shares of Siic de Paris
Simplified tender offer followed by a squeeze-out launched by Preim Défense 2 for the shares of Testran
Simplified tender offer launched by Klépierre for the shares of Klémurs
Mixed simplified public offer combined with a simplified public offer in cash launched by Patrimoine & Commerce for the shares of Foncière Sépric
Merger of Foncière 6 & 7 into Foncière de Paris