Merger of BNP Paribas España into BNP Paribas
Contribution by Barclays Bank Plc (UK) of its retail banking and asset management activities in France to a French entity
Valuation of the right to compensation attributable to holders of Crédit Agricole SA preference shares following the abolition of the mechanism
Sale of stakes owned by Crédit Agricole SA in each retail Regional Banks
Transactions prior to the acquisition by UBS of Banque Leonardo SA
Merger of Compagnie Financière Martin Maurel into Rothschild & Co
Reorganization of Paris Orléans within the Rothschild group
Reorganization within BNP Paribas following the merger with Fortis
Combination of Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Épargne for the creation of BPCE
Internal reorganization of the Real Estate branch and the real estate asset management activity within BNP Paribas
Contribution by Malakoff Médéric Assurances of its stakes in Fédéris Gestion d’Actif to La Banque Postale Asset Management
Valuation within UFF of the Aviva Épargne & Conseils network purchased by UFF and of the UFI France Patrimoine activity
Creation of the Rothschild Sélection R platform
Creation of the Sélection 1818 platform dedicated to independent financial advisors
Creation of Amundi born out of the merger between Crédit Agricole Asset Management and Société Générale Asset Management
Merger of Eurofactor SA into Crédit Agricole Leasing & Factoring
Creation of Crédit Agricole Consumer Financer following the merger of the consumer credit subsidiaries Finaref and Sofinco
Creation of Crédit Agricole Caisse d’Épargne Investor Services (CACEIS)
Public exchange offer launched by PartnerRe Ltd (Bermuda) on Paris Re Holding Ltd (Switzerland)
Merger of Bpifrance SA into its subsidiary Bpifrance Financement
Amboise's public tender offer for Altamir shares
Internal reorganization of a listed reasurance group
Valuation of a network of asset consultants
Financial expertise on behalf of a party in the context of a dispute regarding the divestiture of a credit business